Mourinho Needs to Make MU Play More Collectively | Sport Betting | Online Sport Betting
[ 12-02-2018 ]

Mourinho Needs to Make MU Play More Collectively | Sport Betting | Online Sport Betting

TA888 - Manchester United is judged to be too dependent on the players' individual abilities. Jose Mourinho's duties turned him into a compact sport betting team. MU swallow 0-1 defeat away to Newcastle United on Sunday (11/2/2018) night local time. Matt Ritchie's only goal in the 65th minute made 'Red Devils' come home empty-handed. Throughout the sport betting game, MU is indeed difficult to face Newcastle are aggressive and solid in defense. Newcastle dominant in duels. They excelled the number of successful tackles by 19-12 and more won the air duel with a ratio of 24-18 sport betting.

When a number of opportunities are present, Mourinho's foster children failed to solve them. In the game, MU is considered too individualistic so easily stopped. Former MU defender Gary Neville believes Mourinho has a duty to make his team play more collectively, not just for this season but also in preparation for next season. "Individual talent already exists, but to coordinate it into a team is Jose Mourinho's job in the next few months he should make them a team," Neville told Sky Sports.

"They look like online sport betting teams playing five percent under the intensity they can play and they should play.That's what Mourinho has to do, he has to form a pool of talented players into a team that can be compact and win online sport betting titles. Jose's third season and you will think that in his mind, and in everybody's mind, that he should win the Premier League next season, they have to be prepared from now and these days do damage the confidence and rob you of the online sport betting work you are doing, "he added.