Juventus win over Torino 4-0 | Sport Betting | Online Sport Betting
[ 24-09-2017 ]

Juventus win over Torino 4-0 | Sport Betting | Online Sport Betting

TA888 - In this match, Juventus appear without Claudio Marchisio, Sami Khedira, Mattia De Sciglio, and Benedikt Howedes. Meanwhile, Gonzalo Higuain is reserved and Mario Mandzukic is shifted to the center forward sport betting position. The Torino sport betting defender, Lyanco, narrowly missed a careless goal for a backpass in the early minutes. Lucky for Torino, goalkeeper Salvatore Sirigu can still save his goal. Juve opened their lead through Dybala goal in the 16th minute. This goal is not separated from the work of two Juve midfielders, Blaise Matuidi and Pjanic, in doing the pressing. The pressure from the two players made Daniele Baselli and Tomas Rincon lose the ball. The ball was then dominated by Dybala, who dribbled before firing hard from outside the sport betting penalty box.

Torino lost even one player in the first round. Baselli was sent off in the 24th minute after bagging two yellow cards. Superior number of players makes Juve more freely to suppress Torino. They doubled their lead to 2-0 with a Pjanic goal in the 40th minute. Pjanic welcomed Juan Cuadrado with a measured shot from outside the penalty box that Sirigu could not reach. The 2-0 score for Juve's advantage lasted until the completion of the first half. Juve then lead 3-0 when the game entered the 57th minute. Alex Sandro's header continued Pjanic corner kick forcing Sirigu back picked up the ball from inside the net. Torino is not without chance. Lorenzo De Silvestri fired a long-range shot in the 61st minute, but countered Gianluigi Buffon.

Four minutes later, Federico Bernardeschi's turn threatened online sport betting Torino's goal. Bernardeschi long distance kick on target, but can be thwarted by Sirigu. Sirigu again saved Torino's goal in the 66th minute. He greatly denied Medhi Benatia's header. Mandzukic failed to maximize the online sport betting chances he got in this match. Twice the Croatian striker's shot was countered by Sirigu. Sirigu again showed his glory in the 89th minute. He use his elbow to thwart Douglas Costa's volley. But, Sirigu finally conceded four online sport betting goals in this fight. Dybala scored his second goal when the game had entered injury time. He calmly cheated the ball through Sirigu to ensure Juve won 4-0.